Question: What is a severe service maintenance schedule?
Express Car Care Answer:
When I was a kid, Sunday meant having a bath, getting dressed for church and then hanging up my Sunday clothes as soon as we got home. Mom didn’t have to wash those clothes but once a month. Now Saturdays were a different story entirely, catching lizards, splash contests in mud puddles and crawling through the bushes with GI Joe. Those clothes went straight into the laundry basket. My Sunday clothes – easy use. My Saturday clothes – hard use. They required a different laundry schedule.
Severe service maintenance schedules are kind of like that for auto owners in Denver. “Normal” driving has a regular schedule; “hard” driving has a severe service schedule. Service intervals are shorter on the severe schedule.
Most owner’s manuals will describe severe service as: Stop and go driving, short trips, low speed driving, extreme hot or cold, dusty conditions, carrying heavy loads, and towing.
For most Denver residents, some “severe” driving can be a part of their everyday routine. You can meet with your helpful Express Car Care tech about how you drive around the Denver area and see if your routine is closer to the regular or severe definitions and then adjust your service intervals for things like oil changes, transmission and cooling system services so they fit your needs. Give us a call and let us help.
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