Have you ever been in your local grocery store and had one of those shopping carts? You know, the one with a messed up wheel that wobbles like crazy. Your cart shakes and pulls to one side and if you’re not careful, it’s clean up on aisle nine.
Wheel alignment on your vehicle is a lot like that. One or more of your wheels can get out of alignment and you feel a vibration in your steering wheel, which may also be off-center. Your vehicle might pull to one side and your tires start to wear unevenly. If you’re not paying attention you could chew through a tire in a few months.
Sometimes wheels get knocked out of alignment by something big like hitting a curb on a bumpy road or slamming into a pothole. But everyday driving takes a toll too and vehicles naturally lose alignment over time. That’s why we recommend an alignment check at regular intervals. At Express Car Care, we offer a full menu of quality auto repair and maintenance services, including wheel alignment.
In your alignment inspection, your friendly and helpful technician will check your tires and your suspension system for damage. He’ll test your alignment to see if it’s within specifications. If not, he can make the necessary adjustments to get the wheels of your vehicle all pointing the same direction again.
If your vehicle pulls to one side, or you feel a vibration in the steering wheel, if your tires seem to be wearing abnormally, talk with your service adviser. You may need to put an alignment inspection at the top of your to-do list.
Give us a call or come in and see us.