Your car is something you rely on every day. And when it comes to trying to save a little money, doing your own auto repair may be the first thing that pops into mind. Yet before you pick up a screwdriver or pop the hood of your car, safety should be your number one concern. Safety is synonymous with planning. If you’ve planned ahead and know what you face, your likely to stay safe in the process.
Keep your work area clean
Its hard to work at a desk that’s buried under by paperwork. Likewise its difficult to work in an area cluttered with boxes, cans and “stuff”. When you’re moving around your car, the last thing you want to do is trip over a box and land on a hard surface – its an easy way to break a wrist or ankle.
Make sure you have emergency devices
Remember your eighth grade science teacher that made you wear the safety goggles and actually let you pull the chemical shower wash just to see what happens? Early on, your teachers taught you to understand all of the safety features before you ever needed them. The same applies to your garage and your car. Autos can be dangerous – what about the antifreeze that drips onto the floor, or the battery acid that spills? Be prepared for anything and you’ll avoid the situations where you “wish you had safety tools in place”.
Have the right tools for the job
You may have the basic tools in your garage – a wrench set for example. But if you don’t have the right tools – a torque wrench – you may not be able to adjust things in the precise manner needed for maximum efficiency. Not only may you injure yourself if you try and use the wrong tools for the job, you may damage your car as well.
Have an escape plan
Always be prepared for disaster. Just like you teach your kids how to climb out of their bedroom window and have an outside meeting place in the event of a fire, you should also plan for emergencies when dealing with your car. Anything can happen when dealing with a car. From liquid spills, to flammable items, to injuries so severe it requires immediate attention, knowing what you’ll do ahead of time can save valuable time.
While you may be willing to try small things in your own garage, if you have any big problems or big questions, stop on by. Our auto repair mechanics ar ready to help you maintain your car in perfect running condition.
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