We all know the better you take care of something, the longer it tends to last. When it comes to a pricey investment like your car, there is no exception. If you want to keep you car on the road, purring mile after mile, here are a few things you should make a habit of checking.
Tires – Tire manufacturers have a suggested PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) for the optimal life and use of your tires. Driving on tires over or under inflated can cause them to wear improperly and require more frequent replacement.
Oil – If your car isn’t purring, when was the last time you gave it something to purr about? Maximum engine efficiency calls for changing the oil every 3,000 miles or three months.
Coolant – Just as the car needs oil to keep it properly lubricated, it needs coolant to keep it from overheating. You should replace the coolant every 30,000 miles (approximately every two to three years). Keep an eye on the coolant level, since your car may need a top off before it needs a flush.
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