Today’s modern vehicles are many things:
- An errand runner
- A storage unit
- A chauffeuring service
- A long-haul provider
Whether you use it for work or play, most of us can’t imagine life without a car.
When was the last time you considered the safety features that help keep you and your passengers safe?
When was the last time you ensured each safety feature was well maintained, and able to perform its job at the highest level?
Whether you’re a new or experienced driver, if you have a vehicle sitting and ready for you every time you walk out the door, ensuring the safety features are well cared for is mandatory for safe driving.
What car safety services should you invest in, especially as we move through the seasons?
The basics – windshield wipers and washer fluid
Colorado’s climate can be hard on windshield wipers. You can go weeks – months- without turning them on. Then when you do, they groan as they swipe over the windshield, the dry rubber trying to perform its job.

They don’t cost much, and they are easy to replace. They are also one of the top safety features to ensure you have clear visibility of everything happening around you. If you can’t remember the last time you changed out your windshield wipers, make now the time.
Of course, windshield wipers won’t work if you don’t have washer fluid available when you need it. And with the long, dusty summers, followed by snowy, mucky winter driving, chances are you’ll be using your windshield wipers more than you imagine. Don’t wait and wish you had them in place while you’re driving down the road. Be proactive and replace them now.
Tires – helping you drive in all kinds of driving conditions
Tires help connect your vehicle to the road. If you’ve ever looked around at tires, you know there are many different sizes, types, and styles. What you select will determine your traction, performance, and safety. That’s why drivers often change them out periodically throughout the year, using performance tires in the summer, followed by snow tires in the winter for increased traction.
But it’s more than the tires themselves. It’s the way they are installed on your vehicle, and the way they are maintained throughout their lifespan. Some of the services to focus on as tires age include:
- Tire pressure – ensuring each tire maintains proper air pressure as you drive
- Tire rotation – to ensure tires wear evenly
- Balancing checks – to keep each tire properly balanced
- Alignment checks – to keep your car moving smoothly down the road
If you notice anything wrong with a tire’s performance, have it checked quickly to avoid bigger problems.
Brakes – help keep you on the road
Your tires help bring your car to a stop and keep your car under control, but it’s the braking system that does most of the work. Imagine your vehicle traveling down a mountain road, tires to the pavement, smooth sailing as you enjoy a day away from the city. Now imagine it without properly working brakes. The two work hand in hand to keep you safe and in control.
As a part of car safety services, checking the brakes is an important step. Whether you’re heading out on a road trip, or just getting ready for a new season of driving, a quick stop for an inspection will tell you all you need to know about the brakes.
One of the easiest places to start is by inspecting the brake pads. A quick check ensures you have plenty of use left on the brake pad, and that it’s connecting properly with the brake rotor. Brakes do give you warning signals if something is amiss: a loud squealing noise, or a squishy feel when you press on the brake pedal. An inspection is always good before you head out on the road, but if you notice something isn’t quite right, bring it in right away.
Suspension – for a smooth ride every time
The tires maintain contact with the road. The brakes give you the ability to slow down and stop. But it’s your suspension system that makes the entire experience smooth and enjoyable. Imagine if you felt every bump and dip in the road … it wouldn’t be very comfortable.
It’s your vehicle’s suspension system that ensures a stable ride. Not only does it give you a smooth ride, but it also keeps your vehicle safe as it navigates everything it encounters on its journey.
To ensure the suspension system is in alignment, a technician will perform several procedures and techniques to check the condition of the car. This alignment process is for two basic things:
- To get all four wheels moving in the same direction
- To get all four tires to connect with the road at the proper angle
This ensures your vehicle’s safety, and also increases longevity of every working system on your vehicle.
Battery – so you never are stranded by the side of the road
Has your battery ever died in an inconvenient place? Some would say there’s never a convenient place for a battery to die, but if you’ve ever been stranded in the dark with few people around, you understand what inconvenience can really be.
Your car can’t start without a battery. It controls the ignition process and keeps your vehicle running as you make your way out into the day.
It also controls many of the accessories you rely on each day. Imagine a cold day without heated seats. Or a drive to work without the radio.
Batteries are only designed to last two to three years. To avoid having them break down at an inconvenient time, a battery check can tell you how much life is left in your battery. It can give you a good indication of when you should replace your battery to avoid the inconvenience of having it go out when you least expect it.
Are you ready for car safety services before the weather changes?
When working with a reputable service provider, you know you’ll receive honest feedback on all the various systems on your vehicle. Bringing it in for a car safety check means you’ll have a better understanding of how everything is working.
It allows you to get a better feel for what services you should take care of right away, and which services you can budget for at some point in the future.